Anonymous Personal Story: Managing IBS at 15
Living with IBS is not fun, and it has made me need to make many lifestyle changes. I am 15 years old and I am currently on a low fodmap diet. I know that you arnt supposed to stay on that diet for long, but my stomach really hurts unless I am on it. Its really hard to describe the way that I feel but is almost like there are gas bubbles in certain parts of my abdomen area. I also have heartbern, infequent bowel movements, and bloating. I was not able to do anything for months because I thought I was dealing with just constipation. low fod map fibre supplements, and my current diet has helped me alot. I am still not back to normal yet but I understan it takes time. I really recomend trying the low fodmap diet for ibs sufferers it reallt is a game changer.