Causes of Constipation

Multiple contributing factors have been linked to the development of chronic constipation. The most common of these include:

  • increase in age (especially over the age of 65)
  • the female sex (potentially due to physical and hormonal differences)
  • reaction to medications (prescription and over-the-counter)
  • decreased fiber and water intake
  • reduced physical activity

Studies also show that CC is found more commonly in certain demographic populations:

  • non-Caucasians
  • those with lower levels of education and income
  • patients with histories of depression or abuse.

Despite these factors, constipation can and does affect individuals of all ages, genders, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Types of Chronic Constipation

In general, causes of CC can be separated into two major categories: primary or secondary.

Primary Constipation

Primary constipation is also often referred to as Chronic Idiopathic Constipation. These primary disorders can be broken down further into three distinct categories: normal transit constipation (NTC), slow transit constipation (STC), and evacuation disorders.

Normal-Transit Constipation (NTC)

Normal Transit Constipation (NTC), as its name implies, indicates that bowel movements move at a normal speed through the colon. Most individuals with NTC have symptoms consistent with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C). 

Learn more about IBS

Slow-transit (STC)

Slow Transit Constipation (STC), as its name implies, indicates that BMs move more slowly through the colon. This is caused by gut dysmotility. This form of constipation is often treated with fiber and laxatives. However, if this does not help, a healthcare provider can discuss other options for relief.

Evacuation Disorders

Evacuation disorders are causes of constipation linked to the pelvic floor, a group of muscles supporting the organs in the lower part of the abdomen, located between the hip bones. These muscles help bowel movements. Anatomical (or structural) abnormalities in the pelvic floor can affect your bowel movements. Some people are born with such abnormalities; others experience them after changes to the pelvic floor, such as surgery. However, functional defecation disorders (FDDs) are the most common form of evacuation ailment. FDDs occur when the colon’s muscles do not appropriately allow the passage of BMs out of the last part of the colon. In many instances, this causes dyssynergic defecation (DD)—an inability to relax your pelvic floor muscles to have a BM and/or spasms in the pelvic floor muscles which lead to difficulty passing BMs. Imagine there is a closed door at the bottom of the colon: when we receive the urge to have a BM and bear down or push to have a BM, the muscles in the pelvic floor should relax so that the door opens to allow the BMs to pass. With FDDs, however, the door does not open enough or tightens even further. It is important to identify this condition early because the treatment is different than the treatments for NTC and STC. 

It can be difficult for healthcare providers to tell the difference between these disorders because symptoms alone in most instances cannot be used to separate one type of constipation from another. Some people have several contributing factors leading to their constipation. For example, up to 50% of patients with a FDD will also experience STC at the same time. Consequently, these syndromes can overlap, and identification of all the underlying issues is essential for developing the best treatment plan.

cause of constipation

Secondary Constipation: Causes associated with another condition or medication

Secondary implies that the constipation is caused by, or associated with, another medical condition or use of a medication known to cause constipation. 

Medical Conditions Associated with the Development of Chronic Constipation

Potential Secondary Causes Examples
Mechanical ObstructionStrictures, Inflammation, Tumors, External compression
Endocrine/Metabolic DisordersDiabetes, Hypothyroidism, Hyper/Hypocalcemia, Hypokalemia, Hypomagnesemia, Cystic Fibrosis, Uremia, Heavy Metal Poisoning
Neuropathies/MyopathiesScleroderma, Parkinson’s Disease, ALS, Stroke, Spinal Cord injuries or congenital defects, Multiple Sclerosis, Dysautonomia

Medications Associated with Constipation

Note: Many medications list constipation as a side effect and not all are listed here. Be sure to tell your doctor about any drugs or supplements being taken, both prescription and over-the-counter.

Medications Associated with the Development of Chronic Constipation*:

Prescription Drug FamilyCommon UsageExamples
Opioids (narcotics)Pain reliefHydrocodone, Oxycodone,
Fentanyl, Morphine, Codeine
AnticholinergicsRelief of muscle spasms/cramps of
the bowel/bladder
Hyoscyamine, Dicyclomine, Belladonna
Tricyclic antidepressantsDepression/Functional Bowel DisordersAmitriptyline, Imipramine
AntihypertensivesReduce Blood Pressure, Betablockers, Calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitorsMetoprolol, Nifedipine,
DiureticsReduce fluid retentionFurosemide, Bumetanide
Bile acid sequestrantReduce cholesterolCholestyramine, Colestipol
AnticonvulsantsReduce potential for seizuresPhenytoin, Valproic Acid
*This list is NOT all-inclusive. It represents common categories of drugs known to cause constipation. Other families of drugs and drugs within these families may also cause constipation. Some categories include both prescription and non-prescription treatments. If you are concerned that a medication you are taking may be causing constipation, please consult your healthcare provider, pharmacist, or the medication’s package insert.
Non-prescription DrugsCommon UsageExamples
Antacids (calcium &
aluminum containing)
Relieve heartburn and stomach discomfortMaalox, Mylanta, Gaviscon,
Tums, Rolaids
Iron supplements Iron deficiency anemiaIron sulfate
Calcium supplementsCalcium deficiency Calcium carbonate, Calcium citrate
Antidiarrheal agentsreduce diarrheaLoperamide, Bismuth
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs)Reduce inflammationAspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Meloxicam
AntihistaminesControl allergiesDiphenhydramine
*This list is NOT all-inclusive. It represents common categories of drugs known to cause constipation. Other families of drugs and drugs within these families may also cause constipation. Some categories include both prescription and non-prescription treatments. If you are concerned that a medication you are taking may be causing constipation, please consult your healthcare provider, pharmacist, or the medication’s package insert.

Adapted from IFFGD Publication: Constipation Overview by Darren Brenner, M.D., AGAF, FACG, Associate Professor and Director of the Neurogastromotility Program, Division of Gastroenterology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL

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